Autor: Firma Renub Research

United States Melon Market, by Types, Companies, Forecast To 2027

The United States is one of the leaders in consuming and producing of Melon across the globe. Melons are moderate in calories and fat, but they are also massive in essential vitamins and minerals, and water content. A fresh watermelon, cantaloupe, and Honeydew accommodate up to 90 percent water, making them some of the most […]

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United States Dry Fruit Market, Volume, Companies, Forecast To 2027

The dry fruits are derived from natural fresh fruits, by removing water content naturally, by sun drying, or by specialized dryers or dehydrators. The main benefits of these fruits are sweet to taste, long shelf life, and nutritional value. The consumption of dry fruits in the United States is widespread. Shifting user preference for nutritious […]

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Global Coffee Market, Volume by Countries, Companies, Forecast

Coffee is the most commercialized food product and most popular beverage around the globe. Presence of caffeine in coffee provides refreshing and revitalizing effects to its consumers. There are various ways to serve and consume coffee as hot or iced. According to clinical studies, to some extent coffee is beneficial for healthy adults. A survey […]

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China Cinema Market, By Film Production, Online Market, Tier Cities, Ticket Price, Movie Screen, Movie Admission, Company

According to the latest report by Renub Research, titled "China Cinema Market, By Film Production, Online Market, Tier Cities, Ticket Price, Movie Screen, Movie Admission, Company" captures a detailed analysis of cinema market in the china. The Cinema market in China has entered the golden age. It is the world’s fastest-growing industry in the movie […]

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