Clever funds management with proMX 365 Smart Funding

Organizations from all industries are entitled to funding. But many fear the administrative effort and the risk of back payments that are connected to the use of these financial aids. That is why proMX developed a solution to better organize and manage funds of all kinds.

Manage all funds in one app

“In close collaboration with our customer Agaplesion gAG who uses funds themselves we developed proMX 365 Smart Funding to facilitate the management of funds. Our solution enables administration of all funding budgets and its respective projects comfortably in one app,” Peter Linke, CEO at proMX explains. How Smart Funding supports Agaplesion gAG, the clinic network discloses on our blog.

The solution can be set up according to the structure and the requirements of an organization and project categories defined individually. You can document the original funding sums as well as the amount and the usage of planned and actual costs quickly and easily. Project progress can be tracked at all times – and intervened if necessary. That way, the app makes sure that neither too much nor too little money is spent and that it is used for the proper purpose.

Furthermore, proMX 365 Smart Funding stores all project-related deliverables and documents, for example contracts or invoices, directly in the respective project folder. That way it is easy to proof the proper and agreed upon use of the money in case any evidence is required at the end of the funding period.

Stay on top of your budgets

Besides the two main functions – management and documentation of funds and the respective projects –, proMX 365 Smart Funding comprises additional features that primarily support the handling of complex and several projects at the same time.

With integrated business analytics capabilities, correlations can be easily identified and visualized. That helps project managers to stay on top of even complex projects. Gantt charts help depict project structures realistically and plan projects more precisely.

To get started as easily as possible, we offer an introductory learning path to the solution.

proMX 365 Smart Funding is available now. Check out our product page and request a free demo there. Or have a look at the preview on our YouTube channel.

Über proMX

Founded in 2000, proMX assists businesses with their digital transformation, cloud migration projects and the realization of agile organizational structures. As a Microsoft Partner proMX is focused on software such as Dynamics 365, Azure and Office 365. Its services include consulting, implementation, customization, trainings and technical support. proMX is renowned for its knowhow regarding the cloud business software Dynamics 365, for which it also develops compatible apps, such as proRM Fast Start for project and resource management. Its solutions and services are mainly aimed at professional services and manufacturing companies. Customers include consulting companies, software developers, and building suppliers.

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