Semiconductor Manufacturer Axetris Successfully Achieves Digital Transformation with camLine

Axetris, a leading Swiss semiconductor manufacturer, and camLine, a renowned MES provider, have successfully completed an infrastructure project in semiconductor manufacturing. The project aims to digitalize and optimize Axetris‘ manufacturing processes through the implementation of the InFrame Synapse MES platform by camLine.

The integration of InFrame Synapse MES enables Axetris to undergo a digital transformation of its previously paper-based manufacturing organization. By utilizing the MES solution, data and information are now captured with unprecedented detail and integrity, further enhancing the precision and quality of production.

"Precision is of paramount importance to Axetris, as our devices must meet the highest quality and precision standards in markets such as fiber optic transmission", says Dr. Frank Bose, General Manager of Axetris. "Through collaboration with camLine, we can streamline our production processes and deliver innovative and highly precise solutions to our customers."

Axetris is renowned for its customized sensors and modules tailored closely to its customers‘ requirements. High flexibility in production and continuous improvement of quality are therefore of utmost importance.

"With the introduction of InFrame Synapse, we have now managed our production digitally. Crucial traceability information is now available at the touch of a button", says Frank Bose. "We chose camLine because of its many years of in-depth experience in the field of MES, SPC, and especially quality data monitoring. Our collaboration with camLine has proven to be extremely successful, and we look forward to further improving yield and reducing cycle time for the benefit of our customers."

camLine proved to be an experienced and reliable consulting partner for Axetris. "Axetris has entrusted us with this MES project, and we are proud to have supported them in digitalizing their manufacturing processes", says Frank Bölstler, Sales Director EU/Managing Director of camLine in Germany. "The successful implementation of InFrame Synapse enables Axetris to make data-driven decisions, better control production processes, and effectively identify deviations."

The partnership between Axetris and camLine exemplifies the proactive commitment of both companies to strategically lead digital transformation efforts and jointly approach the next challenges in the area of advanced quality assurance.

About Axetris:
Axetris is a leading supplier of highly selective laser gas detection modules, robust infrared light sources, precise mass flow devices and high-quality micro-optics. All products are manufactured in clean room facilities in central Switzerland. Axetris has a broad and in-depth application know-how and supplies various industries. As an experienced and competent partner for customized applications, from concept to mass production, Axetris supplies OEM customers worldwide. Leading technological competence, consistently high product quality and first-class customer support is what sets us apart. Axetris is a company of the globally active Leister Group.

Über camLine

camLine has been recognized as a valued IT solution partner for high-tech manufacturing over the past 30 years. Industry automation systems are based on MES/MOM modules. Numerous implementations can be found in semiconductors, electronics, automotives, solar, batteries, medical devices, and renewable energies across Europe, North America, and APAC. In addition to service domains on quality assurance, process integrity, production logistics, OEE, monitoring and reporting, camLine’s solutions feature the orchestration of shop floor activities among different communication layers. As part of Elisa IndustrIQ, AI and machine learning (AI/ML) techniques are integrated in statistical methods to foster optimal engineering analysis and defect control.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Fraunhoferring 9
85238 Petershausen
Telefon: +49 (8137) 935-0

Frank Bölstler
Sales Director EU/Managing Director camLine GmbH
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