HOFFMANN MINERAL welcomes new Area Sales Manager for Eastern Europe/Southeast Asia

Sebastian Rosenbauer has been responsible for sales in Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia since 1 November. The 42-year-old graduate paint engineer wants to use his many years of technical experience to strengthen, intensify, and expand customer relationships.

Over four generations, in 120 years, HOFFMANN MINERAL has developed from a steam slurry for the globally unique Neuburg Siliceous Earth into a group of companies that supplies industrial customers in more than 100 countries worldwide. To this day, the last remaining producer of this natural, high-quality, functional raw material generates the majority of its sales in Germany. At the same time, HOFFMANN MINERAL also supports development internationally in up-and-coming industrial regions with innovative and sustainable products.

Since the beginning of November, the new Area Sales Manager Sebastian Rosenbauer has been responsible for the important sales markets of Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. The trained paint laboratory technician and graduate paint engineer (Dipl.Ing.) can look back on almost 14 years of successful work in the development of screen printing inks in leading companies in the industry. Last but not least, the desire to take the step back to his homeland in Southern Germany with a new challenge.

Sebastian Rosenbauer is currently going through the important induction phase and is familiarizing himself with the details of his future area of responsibility in numerous training courses. In the new year, customers and distributors in the regions he serves will become the focus of his day-to-day activities. Together with them, Rosenbauer wants to work out how the cooperation can be further developed in a way that is profitable for both sides in the long term. In doing so, he intends to maintain the usual high level of quality in the already well-established regions of Eastern Europe, while also targeting and expanding challenging sales areas such as India.

"Over the past 14 years, I have mainly familiarized myself with the customer side of things," explains Sebastian Rosenbauer. "I would like to use this perspective with new ideas and on and equal footing with customers to continue establishing HOFFMANN MINERAL successfully in the international market." Beyond the professional qualifications for the tasks ahead, Rosenbauer has been able to gain a first impression of the new workplace and his new colleagues over the past few weeks. "It’s a good feeling to be back at home and the working atmosphere is excellent. I already feel very comfortable and am looking forward to a productive future with my new colleagues."

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Münchener Str. 75
86633 Neuburg
Telefon: +49 (8431) 530
Telefax: +49 (8431) 53330

Nina Seitle
Marketing Assistentin
Telefon: +49 (8431) 53291
Fax: +49 (8431) 53330
E-Mail: nina.seitle@hoffmann-mineral.com
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