PROCLANE – Seamless SAP® Integration of SAP ERP with Non-SAP Systems using IntegrationMan and Custom SAP Function Modules

PROCLANE is a certified SAP partner and a leading systems house for Data Integration, E-Commerce, and digital process consulting. The core business of PROCLANE Integration GmbH lies in the seamless connection of various applications. For instance, E-Commerce systems, CRM, and PIM are integrated with SAP ERP using the innovative middleware IntegrationMan as an iPaaS solution, along with custom SAP function modules in the partner namespace. B2B and B2C customers from numerous industries such as Industry, Commerce, and Technology are already utilizing these services.

The PROCLANE Integration business unit specializes in Data Integration for ERP systems, online shops, procurement, marketplaces, customer portals, CRM, PIM, and payment solutions. With over 300 successfully completed projects, the business unit has standardized about 80% of processes, ensuring efficient and swift project execution with transparent effort.
Through the deployment of custom SAP function modules in the partner namespace, PROCLANE enables seamless E-Commerce integration. Thanks to years of experience, the company has continuously optimized integration processes and swiftly fulfilled specific customer requirements. The SAP function modules developed by PROCLANE facilitate effortless retrieval of numerous processes, such as extracting lock indicators, material prices, order statuses, and even ATP inventory determination.

The IntegrationMan is certified by SAP as an integration service and serves as a flexible iPaaS platform for system integration. The iMan enables fully automated real-time data exchange among various applications like ERP systems, online shops, CRM solutions, PIM systems, and payment systems. From B2B and B2C shops to customer portals and marketplace solutions, the IntegrationMan eases seamless communication and integration between these systems. This allows direct data updates, such as prices and stock levels in the online shop, as live processes sourced from the SAP system.

"Our IntegrationMan provides companies with a powerful solution to efficiently connect their SAP® systems to external solutions," explains Emil Hadner, CEO at PROCLANE. "Through the use of our own function modules and our long-standing experience in system integration, we enable smooth E-Commerce integration, regardless of whether the external systems are prepared for SAP® integration or not."

PROCLANE aims to assist companies in optimizing the benefits of integrating SAP® systems with external solutions. By combining the IntegrationMan with custom SAP function modules, companies can work more efficiently, as automatic data exchange between various applications saves time and resources.

Arrange a Non-Binding Online Demo Now:

Experience how Data Integration works with PROCLANE’s IntegrationMan in an informal demo. Simply schedule an online demo and discover which processes can be automated using iMan, the prerequisites your existing systems need to meet, and what an integration project with PROCLANE might look like. Let’s together experience seamless SAP® integration!

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Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

PROCLANE Integration GmbH
Willy-Brandt-Straße 57
20457 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 226188555

Emil Hadner
Telefon: +49 (40) 226188555
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