Hematology Market: Revolutionizing Patient Care

Growing coagulation disorders, increasing blood donations, growing trend towards point-of-care (POC) diagnostics for home testing of key hematological counts, technological advancements in hematology analyzers and reagents, application of flow cytometry in hematology, and recovery from COVID-19  are few of the key factors propelling the global hematology market.

Hematology is a branch of medicine related to the study of blood and blood-forming organs. It encompasses a broad range of both non-cancerous and cancerous diseases and conditions affecting red and white blood cells, platelets, and the coagulation system in individuals of all ages. The specialists in hematology research, diagnose and treat a variety of conditions such as anemia, bleeding disorders such as hemophilia, blood clots, sickle cell disease, and blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma.

Covid-19 Impact on the Hematology Market

The Covid-19 pandemic had a positive impact on the hematology market as there was increasing focus on hematology parameters for the assessment of Covid-19 Worldwide. Covid-19 boosted the demand for hematology analyzers which were used to run tests like blood levels, complete blood counts, and various analysis of the blood sample. The lungs were the most Impacted organ by the COVID-19 virus. A hematology test is crucial in monitoring the lungs and the RBC count. When the alveoli (tiny air sacs) are damaged, the bronchial tubes collapse, which causes blockage of air exchange. The red blood cells are also unable to carry and transport oxygen. Consequently, Covid-19 patients experienced difficulties in breathing and inadequate oxygen levels in their bodies.

Technological Advancements in Hematology Analyzers Drives the Hematology Market

The hematology market has been marked by continuous technological advancements, which in turn is driving market growth. For instance,

  • In May 2023, Siemens Healthineers launched next-gen hematology analyzers for high-volume hematology testing, the Atellica HEMA 570 Analyzer and the Atellica HEMA 580 Analyzer. Both these analyzers offer intuitive interfaces and multi-analyzer automation connectivity to eliminate workflow roadblocks and achieve the fast throughput high-volume that labs demand

AI-Powered Automatic Hematology Analyzers Poised to Advance Diagnostic Capabilities of Laboratories

For analyzing hematological diseases, most of the available hematology analyzers offer only basic information. As the volume of information generated by hematology analyzers grows, clinicians and doctors are often overwhelmed with data and they face problems in analyzing critical information. The arrival of AI-powered automatic hematology analyzers applies artificial intelligence (AI) analysis to generate interpretable information which helps reduce turn-around time, minimize technical misclassifications and reduce the workload of clinicians.

For instance, DH-615 hematology analyzer from Dymind Biotechnology, which is based on fluorescent nucleic acid staining technology and the company’s proprietary AI Cube technology combines 6-DIFF with RET, significantly improves the detection of abnormal cells and enhances the ability to analyze hematological dseases.

“The growing cases of blood disorders, technological advancements in hematology analyzers, and rising digital transformation of hematology laboratories globally are the key factors fuelling the global hematology market. Approximately 80 million people alone are affected with blood disorders in the EU.”

Director, Leading Manufacturer of Hematology Analyzers, United States

Competitive Landscape : Hematology Market

The market is marked by the presence of players such Sysmex Corporation, Beckman Coulter/Danaher Corporation, Siemens Healthineers, Abbott, Mindray, Nihon Kohden, Boule Diagnostics, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Horiba, Drew Scientific., among others.

Organic and Inorganic Growth Strategies Adopted by Players to Establish Their Foothold in the Hematology Market

The players operating in the hematology market adopted both organic and inorganic growth strategies such as new product launches, and partnerships to gain market share. For instance,

  • In July 2022, Beckman Coulter and Scopio Labs announced a partnership to accelerate the adoption of hematology digital cell morphology platform

The outlook for the hematology market looks very optimistic due to technological advancements in hematology analyzers, increasing demand for laboratory automation to improve precision and efficiency, growing cases of blood disorders, and adoption of organic and inorganic growth strategies by market players.

Get Detailed Insights on the Hematology Market @ https://meditechinsights.com/global-hematology-market/

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Medi-Tech Insights is a healthcare-focused business research & insights firm. Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, blue-chip investors & hyper-growth start-ups. We have successfully completed 100+ projects in Digital Health, Healthcare IT, Medical Technology, Medical Devices & Pharma Services.

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