JUMBO BLOCK ® technology for climate change adaptation

The JUMBO BLOCK ® road retention system is an innovative solution for managing stormwater flooding and storing rainwater under roads. It is an advanced technology, a solution to ADAPT to climate change.

Road retention with JUMBO BLOCK ® enables us to take the destructive power out of flood water by reducing water levels to a maximum.

Particularly in old towns, some of which are fully sealed, we do not have any great alternatives to retention with which we can preserve the streetscape and the character of an old town.

With a JUMBO BLOCK ® system, exactly this task can be solved! Street retention with JUMBO BLOCK ® puts us "in front of a situation" and we can act in time to protect values, substance and population.

The system consists of large-volume JUMBO BLOCK ® hollow blocks, each with a capacity of 13.9 m³, which are placed block to block under the road surface and help to collect and store or infiltrate rainwater before it can be discharged in a controlled manner or used later for irrigation of green spaces or other purposes. In addition, IOT water level sensors can enable JUMBO BLOCK® systems to record the current water level in real time.

This information can be used to make decisions such as:

● When the stored water should be withdrawn to combat droughts,

● when it might be necessary to drain water from the system or

● what measures need to be taken to prevent flooding.


The JUMBO BLOCK ® system for street retention offers a number of advantages, such as;

● prevent the damage caused by rainwater flooding by creating unlimited retention volumes,

● protect buildings and infrastructure in conurbations in the most effective way,

● to put ourselves "in front of a situation" and be able to act in time,

● reduce erosion,

● minimise the environmental impact,

● conserve water resources,

● improve the water quality,

● reduce water consumption by using stored rainwater for irrigation purposes; and

● reduce the costs for rainwater drainage.

It is an innovative way to ADAPT TO CLIMATE CHANGES.

We must be ready to adapt to the changing conditions and take action to survive. Further information: https://jumboblock.app/strassenretention

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Brauhof 12
44866 Bochum
Telefon: +49 (2327) 4178-191
Telefax: +49 (2327) 4178-192

Andreas Zanni
Telefon: +49 (2327) 4178-191
Fax: +49 (2327) 4178-192
E-Mail: mail@jumboblock.de
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