Lapp Mobility wins Wentronic as new partner for international online business

LAPP continues to expand its eMobility division and has gained a powerful partner in trading company Wentronic for international online sales of its German-manufactured charging solutions. As a result, LAPP’s eMobility products are now available from Amazon as well as through LAPP and Wentronic’s own stores. 

The advance of electromobility can no longer be halted. Statistics from the German Federal Motor Transport Authority show that in 2021, there were more newly registered electric vehicles than diesel vehicles for the first time, and this trend is on the rise. To be ready for this development, Lapp Mobility GmbH, a LAPP corporate start-up, wants to develop its online business in eMobility products internationally and has gained a powerful partner in trading company Wentronic to expand these channels. Wentronic plans to capture a high market share for LAPP’s charging solutions in Europe and also aims to distribute the products through its subsidiaries in Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

Solid structures

Wentronic was founded 30 years ago and is a leading manufacturer and distributor of consumer electronics accessories. The owner-managed family business from Braunschweig supplies customers at all retail levels in Germany and Europe. It also has locations in Asia, Australia and New Zealand, 200 employees worldwide, 2,600 international customers and more than 8,000 products in its range.

These solid structures are what won LAPP over: “We are delighted about this new partnership, which will enable us to significantly expand our online business,” said Simon Alig, Managing Director of Lapp Mobility GmbH. And Gerd Hemmerlein, Head of Sales & Marketing at Lapp Mobility added: “This cooperation enables us to drive sales of our charging solutions across the various retail channels and meet the demands of eCommerce. Our customers’ needs for innovative products and fast delivery are the focus of this cooperative partnership.”

Wentronic’s Managing Director Marcus Wendt also sees great potential in the cooperation: “Lapp Mobility’s premium products fit perfectly with Wentronic’s strategic orientation. LAPP is a national partner with outstanding development expertise and powerful brands. This is a promising basis on which to orient ourselves in the steadily growing electromobility market.”

Shared values

LAPP and Wentronic are both long-established family businesses with shared values. A focus on trust-based, long-term partnerships is the key to success for both companies – a solid basis for their cooperation.

The two companies also agree on sustainability. The fact that Lapp Mobility’s products are developed and produced in Germany was a key criterion for Wentronic when choosing LAPP as a partner. The company is committed to contributing to the reduction in global CO₂ emissions through its business decisions and therefore attaches great importance to a sustainable supply chain. Short logistics routes and fast on-site response times are also rated by both companies as important criteria for the success of online business.

Über die U.I. Lapp GmbH

Headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, LAPP is a leading supplier of integrated solutions and branded products in the field of cable and connection technology. The company’s portfolio includes standard and highly flexible cables, industrial connectors and screw technology, customised system solutions, automation technology and robotics solutions for the intelligent factory of the future, as well as technical accessories. LAPP’s core market is in the industrial machinery and plant engineering sector. Other key markets are in the food industry, logistics, as well as the energy and the mobility sector.

The company was founded in 1959 and is still fully owned by the founding family to this day. In the 2020/21 financial year, it generated a consolidated turnover of EUR 1,423 million. LAPP (including its non-consolidated companies) currently employs approximately 4,586 people across the world, produces at 21 international sites and has over 44 sales companies. LAPP also cooperates with around 100 international offices.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

U.I. Lapp GmbH
Schulze-Delitzsch-Str. 25
70565 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 (711) 7838-01
Telefax: +49 (711) 78382640

Irmgard Nille
Telefon: +49 (711) 7838-01
Fax: +49 (711) 7838-2640
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