Peter Kratky Takes Over as CEO at Trotec Laser


Peter Kratky will continue Trotec Laser’s success story

Peter Kratky will take the helm as CEO of Trotec Laser from 1st January 2023. “As CSO of Trotec Laser, Peter Kratky has worked successfully with Andreas Penz over the past three years and has acquired excellent knowledge of the market during this time. He is highly qualified for this new role and I’m convinced that this organisational realignment will optimally prepare the TroGroup for the future and future growth,” says Norbert Schrüfer, CEO of Trogroup.

TroGroup sets course for further growth

The TroGroup is setting the organisational course for further growth. In addition to the two successful companies Trodat (stamps) and Trotec (lasers), a separate business unit for laser sources is being established with the Laser Sources Group.

“We want to develop into a global player in the field of laser sources and see potential for profitable growth in this segment. I’m pleased that Andreas Penz will contribute his extensive expertise in the field of laser technologies, laser applications and laser business to the group of companies as the future CEO of the Laser Sources Group. Over the past 25 years he has built Trotec Laser from scratch and led us to a turnover of 160 million euros. I’d like to thank him and the entire Trotec Laser team for their successful work,”

Norbert Schrüfer, CEO of the TroGroup.

About the New Laser Sources Group

The Laser Sources Group with the companies Iradion and InnoLas Photonics will be separated from Trotec Laser in organisational terms and act independently on the market as a strong third pillar of the TroGroup from 1st January 2023. The new division will further expand the business with laser sources for industrial customers. In addition, the sister company Trotec Laser will be supplied with competitive products to ensure the further growth of the laser business.

TroGroup CEO Norbert Schrüfer supports Trotec as interim COO

Until the COO position is filled, Norbert Schrüfer will be part of the management of Trotec Laser on an interim basis in addition to his role as CEO of the TroGroup.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Trotec Laser GmbH
Freilinger Straße 99
A4614 Marchtrenk
Telefon: +43 7242 239-7777
Telefax: +43 7242 239-7380

Anita Mair
Leitung Marketing DACH
Telefon: +43 (7242) 239-7365
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