Zentinel MDS and Perinet – a strong partnership

Zentinel MDS and Perinet are pioneers in the field of real IoT, i.e. end-to-end communication in IoT applications via network. Perinet offers components for communication via single pair Ethernet and data processing at field level.

Zentinel MDS distributes these components and provides support for them. In addition, Zentinel MDS develops and supports customer-specific retrofit solutions for digitalisation based on Perinet products.

Together, we enable our customers to improve process flows that are controlled at the company level (top floor) and extend down to the field level (shop floor) at lower digitalisation costs. The key point is the consistent use of IT technologies, which has already shown in many other areas that end-to-end communication is the key to the future.

We congratulate Jordi Cruz on the launch of his new company Zentinel MDS and are pleased to welcome Zentinel MDS as our official partner in Spain. With Cruz’s vast experience in digitalisation in the industrial environment and Zentinel MDS’s innovative focus, we have found a perfect partner to establish Industrial IoT and Single Pair Ethernet in the market.

Über die Perinet GmbH

Our Vision: Seamless IoT Connectivity

That’s why we are developing forward-looking electronics to make sensors and actuators network-compatible.

The new components and software seamlessly connect end devices to IT systems and enable direct communication without protocol conversion.

To bundle data transfer and power supply, hybrid SPE is the key technology underlying the Perinet approach. It is all about user-friendly application and meeting the highest security standards through end-to-end encryption.

Sensors and actuators can now become active participants in the Internet of Things.

Perinet was recognized by the German Innovation Award 2021 for the development of groundbreaking technology.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Perinet GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 29
12489 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 863206-700
Telefax: +49 (30) 863206-761

Claudia Runge
Redakteurin Unternehmenskommunikation
Telefon: +4930863206716
E-Mail: claudia.runge@perinet.io
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