Premium e-Torque Vectoring Technology raises driving performance and safety of EVs

The electric Torque Vectoring technology, developed by hofer powertrain, is designed to unlock the most potential in any drivetrain, including high-voltage applications, and deliver the best energy-to-wheel efficiency in the new EV models coming to the market. This software-controlled and managed system provides EVs with any driving characteristics customers want, allowing maximum engineering flexibility compared to complex gearing, existing mechanical solutions, or similar control-dependent solutions. e-Torque Vectoring uses software to adjust the driving experience, allowing different axial strategies such as open differential and active yaw to be applied. The differences to other systems, such as limited-slip differentials (LSD), lie in the reaction time and manner of this solution and high adaptation flexibility to different architectures and designs compared to similar electric solutions.

„hofer powertrain torque vectoring technology can be implemented independently of the control unit and integrated into a wide range of controllers, including inverter controllers, which gives our customers a great degree of freedom in the development. This flexibility is possible thanks to the absence of complex interfaces between the torque vectoring control and the inverter," shares Thomas Hackl, Vice President Engineering & Advanced Engineering at hofer powertrain.

Vehicle response is adapted to the driving speed in any given moment without delays maximizing the safety of the passengers in any critical driving situation and giving the driver an outstanding driving experience by improving steering response and handling. While safety has always been a must criterion in developing powertrains, with autonomous driving advances being around the corner, focusing on the safety of autonomous functions such as parking, among other degrees of autonomous driving assistance, is becoming paramount. Supported by this e-torque vectoring technology taking full advantage of the new functionalities of autonomous driving software is possible.

Über hofer powertrain

hofer powertrain is a system supplier, engineering, and technology partner for efficient powertrain solutions covering all classes of electrified vehicles. The company’s primary goal is to increase the efficiency of e-mobility with future-oriented solutions. This goal is achieved through a unique, in-depth knowledge of the complete powertrain system, including software, functions, and vehicle integration from pre-development to SOP and beyond. This holistic powertrain expertise is represented worldwide by expert teams in Europe, Asia, and the United States.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

hofer powertrain
Ohmstr. 15
72622 Nürtingen
Telefon: +49 (7022) 217884-0
Telefax: +49 (7022) 217884-129

Christina Karuna
Communication Specialist / PR
Telefon: +49 (176) 32647902
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