The impressive DHG Smartlog Maasvlakte project starts construction: Clean solar energy on 210,000 square metres by the sea.

Smartlog Maasvlakte, close to Rotterdam, covers the area of ten roofs of the logistics company DHG. GOLDBECK SOLAR is building this solar power plant, which will have an installed capacity of 25 MWp, for the customer Sunrock. 

The solar specialist expands its product portfolio in the Netherlands in the area of industrial roofs. This is the great strength of GOLDBECK SOLAR as a company from the industrial construction industry.  The Maasvlakte project will be built on the roofs of the DHG Smartlog Maasvlakte logistics complex located directly on the port area of Rotterdam. 

The buildings were constructed by the Dutch subsidiary of GOLDBECK Bau, thus ensuring ideal construction conditions for the solar plant from the initial planning stage. The natural synergies between the construction companies will guarantee ideal installation and operation of the solar power plant for the long lifetime of the plant.

The client of Smartlog Maasvlakte is a partner with whom GOLDBECK SOLAR has already worked very well on several occasions: Sunrock from Amsterdam.

Considering the limited space available for photovoltaic projects in the Netherlands, the use of roofs was the right answer to occupy as many surfaces as possible in order to achieve the goals of the energy transition.

Construction of the solar installations at Smartlog Maasvlakte began at the end of May. "A particularly exciting project, not only because of its size, but also because of its unique location," describes Tobias Friedrich, director of GOLDBECK SOLAR Netherlands. "The logistics centre was built on a reclaimed promontory, and the North Sea climate, with lots of wind, sand and naturally salty air, places great strains on the solar modules." Challenges for which the Dutch team is well prepared. It should be possible to deliver the project before the end of this year.

You can find more information about the current projects in the Netherlands here: 

GOLDBECK SOLAR builds 55 MWp solar power plants in the Netherlands

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