Pathfinder Clean Energy and GOLDBECK SOLAR join forces on the Canadian market with PACE Canada LP

A long-standing partnership becomes a strong team: Pathfinder Clean Energy and GOLDBECK SOLAR have joined forces through the joint venture PACE Canada LP registered in Alberta, Canada. Four solar projects with a total of 80 Mwac are already in planning, two of them are ready for construction. 

GOLDBECK SOLAR now also provides solar energy in Canada. Together with the globally active Pathfinder Clean Energy, the solar company from Hirschberg in Germany will implement the first solar plants in the Alberta region this year. For this purpose, Pathfinder Clean Energy and GOLDBECK-SOLAR have joined forces to form the joint venture PACE Canada LP.

"Canada is a perfect location for solar energy," says GOLDBECK-SOLAR CEO Joachim Goldbeck. "The solar radiation is comparable to that in Italy and the interest of local companies in renewable energy is high. We are pleased to be able to contribute with our experience to realize successful solar projects here." 

Construction of two plants in Canada is scheduled to start this summer: the Joffre Solar Power Project and the Youngstown Solar Power Project.  

The 47-MWac Joffre project is being built near the Joffre Petrochemical Complex in Lacombe County. The smaller Youngstown project is also ready for construction and is expected to include 6 MWac of capacity. Two other solar facilities, the 13 MWac Hanna-Sheerness Solar Project and the 14 MWac Caroline Solar Project, are still scheduled to come online by the end of 2023.

Pathfinder and GOLDBECK SOLAR have already been working together for about ten years on various projects, including in the UK market. The new joint venture will be managed Constantin Lindenmeyer, Rob Denman, Joachim Goldbeck und Alex Ross (picture f.l.t.r.). 

PACE Canada will undertake and manage the entire project value chain, from site selection through permitting, planning, financing and offtake agreements, to create a market-leading platform for clean energy development and investment in Canada.

More information about PACE Canada LP and its planned projects is available online at

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Goldbeckstr. 7
69493 Hirschberg an der Bergstraße
Telefon: +49 (6201) 7103 300
Telefax: +49 (6201) 7103 499

Yesica Pantiga
Telefon: +49 (6201) 7103-337
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