The FGTCLB Joins TYPO3 Platinum Membership

The FGTCLB (pronounced “Fight Club”) has been relying on open source software for more than 20 years. With more than 100 employees in five agencies, the network is built around active involvement in the TYPO3 CMS community.

Choosing TYPO3 and Supporting Open Source
“Ever since the idea for the FGTCLB came up, we wanted to become a platinum member,” says FGTCLB co-founder Adrian Zimmermann. “We have faith in the development of TYPO3 and are looking forward to getting more involved in further developments and the community.”

As an owner of the Swiss web agency Snowflake, Zimmermann has taken part in numerous projects with the TYPO3 content management system. “The bandwidth of the Open Source Software becomes clear when you look at the wide variety of projects and industries where the FGTCLB partner agencies have made their mark,” he says.

Welcoming a Network of TYPO3 Association Members
“FGTCLB is not only a member, but a network of existing association members,” says TYPO3 Association president Olivier Dobberkau. “That they choose to make their network a member as well illustrates their commitment to open source and the TYPO3 project in particular.” TYPO3 is designed for complexity and scalability and is suitable for a wide range of digital solutions, from smaller websites to large-scale portals. Over the years, the FGTCLB members have treasured these strengths and made university websites one of their specializations. These websites have diverse target groups, numerous stakeholders, and comprehensive content.

About the TYPO3 Association Memberships
Members of the TYPO3 Association support the development of TYPO3 CMS and take part in shaping the future of the open source content management system. Being a member is both a statement of support for TYPO3 and a ticket to participate in the decision-making processes. Membership plans range from the €7.92/year Community personal membership to the €12,500/year Platinum company membership, and also includes special plans for academic institutions.

About the TYPO3 Association and TYPO3 GmbH
The TYPO3 Association coordinates and funds the long-term development of TYPO3 CMS and is the owner of the TYPO3 trademark. It is a not-for-profit organization that provides software to the public free of charge. The TYPO3 Association is an association according to Swiss Law that was founded by the members of the TYPO3 Community in November 2004. It has its headquarters in Baar ZG, Switzerland. The TYPO3 Association is non-partisan and denominationally neutral. More information about members, objectives, and funding opportunities can be found at:

TYPO3 GmbH is a service company established by the TYPO3 Association to provide support services and to take on the development of the TYPO3 CMS software. More about the TYPO3 Company can be found at

About the Fight Club (FGTCLB)
Founded in 2019, the Fight Club agency network consists of five agencies in Germany and Switzerland that offer comprehensive TYPO3 solutions. Regardless of whether it is a relaunch or a new conception of a website, FGTCLB relies on TYPO3 as the basis for demanding web projects. The member agencies are: eCentral (Marburg, Germany), KM2 >> (Düsseldorf, Germany), Pagemachine (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), Snowflake (Zurich, Switzerland), and web-vision (Mönchengladbach, Germany). More information is available in German at

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