BIG appoints Christian „Blizzard“ Chmiel as COO

Another 1.6 icon joins the BIG Family as we officially appoint Christian “Blizzard” Chmiel as our Chief Operating Officer!

A name synonymous with German Counter-Strike, Blizzard is someone who needs no introduction to 1.6 fans after his distinguished career in the game. Winning CPL Spain 2005, as well as bringing home nine EPS titles among many others, he now makes his return to esports in an administrative role at BIG.

After hanging up the mouse, Blizzard started his studies at the Technical University of Berlin, continuing his career in economic engineering at companies such as Viessmann and AVM. With his business experience as well as extensive background in Counter-Strike, Blizzard was the perfect choice for us, and has already shown his capabilities in the past year with us.

In his new role as our Chief Operating Officer, Blizzard will play an important part in shaping the organization in the coming years and realizing our vision. He will be in charge of many important processes and projects at BIG, and work with the executive team on a day to day basis to ensure the smooth running of our business operations.

It’s time for some Blizzness!

Statement Christian Chmiel, COO of BIG

After winning the German championship in 2009, I ended my lengthy career as a professional player and focused on my studies in economic engineering at the Technical University of Berlin. After nearly 10 years of professional experience as a quality engineer in development, I am delighted to have found my way back into Esports. Things that belong together are now coming together again! I am especially looking forward to working with old companions and esports pioneers at BIG again and to face many exciting challenges in my position as COO, and significantly contributing to the development and strategic direction of BIG. I would like to thank Daniel and Yilmaz from the bottom of my heart for the great trust they have placed in me by appointing me to this responsible position, and I can’t wait to make 2022 our best year yet with all of BIG’s employees and supporters! #GOBIG

Statement Daniel Finkler, CEO of BIG

After the introduction of Roman "Roman R." Reinhardt earlier this week, I am very pleased to officially welcome Christian "Blizzard" Chmiel, one of Germany’s greatest esports legends, to BIG. After Christian Chmiel has already been able to successfully lead important projects within the organization for a longer time, including the establishment of the #GoBIG League and other partner projects, I am convinced that he will be able to take on new responsibilities with his outstanding skills. From now on, Christian "Blizzard" Chmiel will therefore be responsible for making many important decisions within the organization at the C-level as Chief Operating Officer / COO and for advancing important business initiatives that will have a significant impact on the development of BIG in the years to come.

Über die Bigleet GmbH

Berlin International Gaming, worldwide known as BIG, is one of the most successful European esport organizations. Currently, the German organization employs professional teams and players in eight different titles, including League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Quake Champions, Trackmania, Valorant, StarCraft 2 and PUBG Mobile, each of which are among the best in Germany and Europe. The organization’s flagship is the distinguished CS:GO team built around team captain Johannes "tabseN" Wodarz. With millions of spectators and crowded arenas, Counter-Strike is one of the hottest and most prestigious titles in sport. Since 2017, the German team has established itself among the world’s top teams and celebrates numerous respectable successes. Besides acquiring a BLAST Premier Partner Slot in January 2021, BIG was able to purchase a partner slot within the elite ESL Pro League in October 2021 after a competitive bidding process. In total, BIG’s professional teams have won over USD 1,840,000 million in prize money to date.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Bigleet GmbH
Wilhelm-von-Siemens Straße 23
12277 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 36563527

Daniel Finkler
Telefon: +49 (173) 4530-542
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