ibidi Awarded with the Export Prize Bavaria: Special Edition 2021

For its excellent crisis strategy during the pandemic, ibidi GmbH has been awarded the Export Prize Bavaria: Special Edition 2021, in the category, “Successful Order Processing in Corona Times.” The award, which has been presented since 2007 to small- and medium-sized companies that work with foreign markets, is this time recognizing the unique travel and supply chains challenges caused by the Corona virus in 2020.

ibidi exports products for cell research to more than 40 countries worldwide. As the world leader in cell-based assays, the company has ensured that its specialized cell microscopy carriers as well as incubation and perfusion systems have been readily available for research worldwide, even during Corona restrictions. Thus, ibidi consistently supports institutions around the world in the research and development of drugs against common diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

At the beginning of the Corona pandemic in early 2020, the company recognized the imminent risks to import and export, and quickly reacted. Their production of cell culture slides and devices in Bavaria was immediately reinforced, and raw materials were purchased and stored in large quantities. Only collective packages were sent abroad, where they were then further distributed in individual shipments. In the USA, where the laboratories require daily supplies, a 6-week stock was promptly built up. For customers in Japan, product delivery dates and times were carefully planned to coincide exactly with the limited work hours allowed in the office. Furthermore, ibidi’s online presence was expanded to successfully keep customers informed and supported.

These measures enabled the company to meet delivery deadlines, even under Corona conditions. Dr. Valentin Kahl, Managing Director of ibidi GmbH, explains, “Our crisis strategy has fully proven its worth. At the beginning of the crisis, we directly replenished our stock with raw products. Then during the crisis, we adapted our outer packaging to make it easy to disinfect, which was especially important for the Asian market."

The 2021 Export Award Bavaria recognizes innovative strength, customer service, and global delivery capability even in difficult times. Bavaria’s Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Roland Weigert, had this to say about the recipients, “The award winners are true champions in the foreign market. Despite the pandemic, they have brilliantly mastered the challenges in foreign markets. This makes the award winners great ambassadors and beacons for the "Made in Bavaria" seal of quality."

Please watch a short movie about the ibidi success story here.

About the Export Prize Bavaria – https://www.exportpreis-bayern.de 

Since 2007, the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy, the Association of Bavarian Chambers of Industry and Commerce, and the Association of Bavarian Chambers of Crafts have been awarding the "Export Prize Bavaria" in cooperation with Bayern International. The award is aimed at small- and medium-sized enterprises that are successfully active in international business.

Über die ibidi GmbH

ibidi GmbH, located in Gräfelfing near Munich, Germany, is a leading supplier of functional cell-based assays and products for cell microscopy. The ibidi range of products offers solutions for classic cell culturing, and also complex assays (e.g., angiogenesis, chemotaxis, and wound healing). Their products help facilitate an understanding of the development of various diseases and related therapies. ibidi’s customers are working in scientific institutions, industrial pharmacology, and biotechnology. Technology development at ibidi is supported by the BMBF (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung). ibidi products are sold to customers worldwide.


Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

ibidi GmbH
Lochhamer Schlag 11
82166 Gräfelfing bei München
Telefon: +49 (89) 5204617-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 5204617-59

Dr. Susanne Seifert
Telefon: +49 (89) 5204617-34
E-Mail: sseifert@ibidi.de
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