Venues – new album »Solace« out now – release new single / video ‚Deceptive Faces‘

„German metal with a mission and a message.“

(Kerrang UK)
„there will be a bright future.“
(Metal Hammer)
„convinces with top songwriting and a consistent uncompromising attitude.“
„Venues present a total piece of art.“

German modern metal outfit VENUES havereleased their sophomore album »Solace« via Arising Empire!
To celebrate, the band have also shared their new single / video ‚Deceptive Faces‚.
»Solace« is available as CD and limited colored vinyl and unique merch bundles at Impericon.

In close cooperation with videographer Marius Milinski the band created a full & crazy story with their first five music videos ‚Rite of Passage‚, ‚Shifting Colors‚, ‚Uncaged Birds‚, ‚Mountains‚ & ‚Whydah Gally‚.

 Stream, Purchase »Solace« now
Watch ‚Deceptive Faces‚ here

"For me personally, SOLACE stands for the ups and downs of the last two years. While the world seemed to stand still, the album gave us the feeling of progressing. With SOLACE we were able to create something that would still be present after the pandemic and that gave us hope and made us look positively into the future. I hope that we can give the listeners exactly this positive feeling and we can’t wait to bring the new songs on stage."Lela (vocals)

"Today is a special day for us as our second album finally sees the light of day and I am glad that I can celebrate this event with all of our friends around the world! There’s so much energy, love, anger and personal stuff in SOLACE that I’m already looking forward to every single person listening to the album."Robin (vocals) 

"Now it’s time to stop this masquerade
Now it’s time to end this madness
Now it’s time to stop this masquerade
Now the time has come"

Contra Promotion GmbH presents:
»Never Lose Hope Tour Vol. 1«
13.01.22 DE-Berlin, cassiopeia
14.01.22 DE-Hamburg, headCrash
15.01.22 DE-Cologne, Helios37
20.01.22 DE-Munich, Backstage
21.01.22 DE-Leipzig, Neues Schauspiel
22.01.22 AT-Vienna, Chelsea
24.03.22 DE-Stuttgart, Universum (additional show)
25.03.22 DE-Frankfurt, ELFER (additional show)
26.03.22 DE-Trier, Mergener Hof (additional show)

»Solace« track listing:
1. Razorblade Teeth

2. Whydah Gally

3. Rite of Passage

4. Uncaged Birds

5. Into the Fire

6. Down Below

7. Shifting Colors

8. Our Destiny

9. Deceptive Faces

10. Mountains

From the depths of their deepest crisis, VENUES emerge victoriously, welcoming two new members – clean vocalist Lela and guitarist Valentin. When former vocalist Nyves quit the band mid-tour, following the release of their pivotal debut »Aspire« (2018), the modern metal juggernaut was shaken to the bone.

Despite this, the remaining members refused to give up and tirelessly searched for new talent. Following guitarist Constantin witnessing a performance of Lela at (of all places) at a STEEL PANTHER show, the band found their new clean vocalist.

VENUES went into the studio with producer Christoph Wieczorek (Annisokay) to record »Solace«, who coated their massive sound with a metallic alloy of remarkable precision.

“We wanted to be more metal,” Robin comments.“There were some pop sensibilities of Aspire we wanted to replace with rather the opposite.”

Melody and punch-drunk heaviness, metal and alternative rock, zeitgeist and authenticity, barbed choruses and unleashed creativity: with their soaring sophomore release, VENUES fulfill every single promise they gave on »Aspire«.

“2020 showed all of us how much the band is helping us keep our sanity,” vocalist Robin muses. “Almost the whole band went through minor or medium crises since the release of our debut. Relationships went sour, things were ended and begun. In times like these, our second album was the light at the end of the tunnel. Something we all could look forward to. Our music held our heads above water.”

It’s a big leap, going from »Aspire« to »Solace«, and it’s a logical one, too. Ten songs, ten exorcisms of negative energy, ten lifesavers.

Lela | clean vocals
Robin | shouts
Constantin | guitar
Valentin | guitar
Dennis | drums

More info:

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Arising Empire Tonträger Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH
Oeschstr. 40
73072 Donzdorf
Telefon: +49 (7162) 9280-45

Arising Empire Tonträger Produktions- und Vertrieb
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